Wonderfull Kawinda Toi, Village On Tambora.

Kawinda To'i village is located in Tambora Sub-district, Bima District, West Nusa Tenggara. The village consisting of 6 hamlets (Kawinda To'i, Katupa, Labau, Dana Kala, Oi Marai, and Sori Nae) has a population of about 1,883 people, with an average livelihood population as farmers and farm laborers.

Access that can be reached to this village can be said quite easy when using public transportation, there are 2 the first route through Pekat Subdistrict, Dompu district and passing Sanggar Subdistrict, Regency of Bima. But I have tried to use public transportation is from District Sanggar, if start from Bima or dompu we can use bus majors Kore, From terminal Kore we change bus to Village Kawinda To'i, to be noticed is bus majoring Kore - Kawinda To 'i is only once a day only at around 14.00 - 15.00 WITA. While traveling from Kore to Kawinda To'i you will be presented with a very interesting scenery, landscape of the slopes of Mount Tambora and the Beach will be an eye to the village. But be a little patient during the trip because the accessibility of the road is quite badly damaged, so the trip will take a long time about 2-3 hours drive from Kore - Kawinda To'i.

Upon arriving in this village, we will be greeted with a very quiet village condition and your first impression must think this is a very remote village. Indeed, this village can still be categorized as a less developed village, it is proved by the mobile communication network that has not been entered in this dasa, other than that road conditions that have not been touched by asphalt and electricity just recently there, even electricity from PLTH (Hydrogen Power Plant) located on the river Oi Marai.

The bitter-bit of coffee there must be the audience, maybe that's the exact parable of this village Kawinda To'i, with the condition of the village that is still left behind but there is just something interesting here. There is a lot of potential that makes travelers from various places come to this village to share affairs, some do research or do Tambora mountain tour which one of the climbing lane is found in this village. Mount Tambora climbing tour through Kawinda To'i line is indeed the most suck the tourists to visit here, with the condition of the path that is still natural, still dense forest becomes the main attraction for the climbers to conquer Mount Tambora through Kawinda To'i. Plus there is one more sweetener in this climbing lane, which is the waterfall Oi Marai which makes the addition of the attraction of climbing path here that is not found in the path climbing Mount Tambora another. There are 4 waterfalls that can be enjoyed by tourists climbers when climbing later.

Currently this village is famous for there is a climbing path of Mount Tambora, but there are some other potential that I think to be another attraction. The village that is directly adjacent to the sea actually has a very bright potential in the marine field in the future when managed properly. The coastline is so long and the conditions of the sea with the waves that are not so great to be a good combination to make opium for everyone who see it, supported again by the condition of the beach here is still very natural and clean. In terms of marine potency potential sebernarnya very good, but now only a small part of Kawinda To'i who livelihood as a fisherman, maybe it is because there is no port facilities for the fishermen, for example facilities for the fishermen in this village can be met can be the welfare of citizens will increase.

One more potential that I need to tell about this Village. Madu Asli Tambora, well that's what I previously discussed in my previous article, can be checked here. The village is located on the slopes of Mount Tambora, not a few of its citizens who take advantage of the forest by taking honey found in the forest. This truly original and pure honey is the mainstay of Kawinda To'i village and is a source of income for its citizens.

Well that's a little story about a village that is very potential if managed and well developed, of course there must be intervention of local government dearah, in order to accelerate the rapid development of infrastructure implemented. It is not possible if all facilities are available and infrastructure well, this village will become more famous and become a major contributor to local government revenue because there are many potentials in this village Kawinda To'i.

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